


Fishing Extension & Add-ons

Join local Fishermen, Captain Lazaro or his son Captain David on their 20-foot panga, equipped with tackle, lures, snacks, beverages, a bimini, comfortable seats, a powerful motor, and basic electronics. They are local experts in the area and will find you the fish!
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Corcovado National Park Overnight Hiking Extension

Corcovado National Park is the crown jewel of Costa Rica’s National Park System. Join one of our extensions to visit the rainforests of Sirena Ranger Station at the heart of Corcovado National Park. After your sea kayaking adventure, you will continue with 1.5 days of guided hiking led by expert naturalist guides so that you can take full advantage of one of the highest concentrations of flora & fauna Costa Rica has to offer.
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Corcovado Hiking and Sea Kayaking Adventure

Join one of our scheduled departures and enjoy Costa Rica’s Osa Peninsula, one of the world’s best sea kayaking, hiking, and wildlife-watching destinations. Our Sea Kayaking & Hiking Trip combines sea kayaking in Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica’s Tropical Fjord with multi-day rainforest hiking in Corcovado National Park, the crown jewel of Costa Rica’s National Park System.
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Dolphins of Golfo Dulce: A Marine Symphony in Costa Rica's Hidden Paradise

Nestled along Costa Rica's southwestern coast, the Golfo Dulce, or Sweet Gulf, is a hidden gem renowned for its pristine waters and abundant marine life. Dolphins take center stage among the many charismatic inhabitants of this biodiverse ecosystem. These intelligent and playful creatures grace the Gulf with their presence, adding a delightful symphony to the marine tapestry of Golfo Dulce.
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Mangroves: Contributors to Golfo Dulce’s Ecological Health

Let us talk about one of the most unusual coastal ecosystems on the planet: mangroves. Mangroves are coastal ecosystems consisting of salt-tolerant trees, shrubs, and other vegetation that grow in intertidal zones—areas between the land and sea regularly submerged and exposed by tides. These unique ecosystems are found in tropical and subtropical regions, particularly along sheltered coastlines, estuaries, and river mouths; all are elements found in Costa Rica’s Golfo Dulce.
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Feathers of the Osa: A Glimpse into the Avian Wonders of the Osa Peninsula

Nestled on the southwestern coast of Costa Rica, the Osa Peninsula stands as a vibrant testament to the country's rich biodiversity. This lush and verdant region is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts, particularly those captivated by the diverse and colorful array of birds that call the peninsula home. From the rainforests to the coastal areas, the Osa Peninsula provides a habitat for a remarkable variety of bird species, each playing a unique role in the intricate tapestry of this tropical ecosystem.
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A heartfelt letter from me, Matias, owner-operator of Sea Kayaking Costa Rica

I hope you are as healthy and happy as you can be with the huge challenges these years have brought to all of us. Speaking of challenges, I have had a few of my own—and like a whitewater kayaker who finds himself turned upside down by a rough rapid—I have done my best to pop back upright. In a nutshell, it was an unexpected and jarring change in partnership that caught me broadside.
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5 Reason you´ll love a Sea Kayaking Costa Rica Trip

Hola, we hope this finds you well and looking forward to some good times — perhaps on a trip with us... Reason #1: Adventure! We are the original lodge-to-lodge sea kayaking trip that takes visitors deep into the remote waters of Golfo Dulce, one of the few tropical fjords in the world.
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What to expect on your arrival day to Costa Rica?

You may not know what to expect when you set off on your Costa Rican paddling adventure. Relax; you are in good hands with Sea Kayaking Costa Rica! In this newsletter, we will tell you about: the airport arrival experience, the hotel accommodations, recommendations for your dinner outing (on your own, but easy to get to), and what to expect for breakfast on Day Two!
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Golfo Dulce Trip, final days

Though we will cover 21 kilometers, traversing the northern curve of Gulfo Dulce, you will be ready for you’ve already paddled from El Chontal to La Palma one day (12km) and all the way across the gulf the next (14km).Wildlife abounds on the Gulf, if we are lucky we will again be treated to dolphin and turtle sightings, as well as the accompaniment of terns, seagulls, and pelicans.
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Day two, when the real fun begins

On this morning, you’ll wake up hardly be able to believe that you are finally in Costa Rica! The strong local coffee served with a delicious breakfast will help you fully grasp that your dream trip is happening. Soon we’ll be on the beautiful drive to the Osa Peninsula. You’ll enjoy a view of lush rainforests, stunning seascapes, and traditional villages and plantations.
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Golfo Dulce Crossing

Today begins the cornerstone portion of your 8-day sea kayaking trip: the Golfo Dulce crossing and two nights at the magnificent Saladero Ecolodge.This resort location features a half-mile of beachfront, 32 acres of tropical gardens, and 363 acres of lowland tropical primary rainforest. It is a glamping paradise!
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Who are the Ticos?

"Ticos" is a colloquial term used to refer to the people of Costa Rica, a country in Central America. The term is derived from the common suffix "-tico" in Costa Rican Spanish, which refers to something or someone in a diminutive or affectionate way. The male form is "tico," and the female form is "tica."
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