
Golfo Dulce

While many are familiar with Costa Rica and its renowned Corcovado National Park on the Osa Peninsula, few know the body of water within that peninsula, the Golfo Dulce.  The Golfo Dulce is one of just four tropical fjords in the world. As a fjord, it is very narrow, at some points just 10 miles across. Yet, it’s over 600 f in depth (200 m) and only 200 f (60 m) deep where it meets the open ocean, making ocean conditions calm and protected.

Rich in rainforest coastline and ridden with river mouths, mangrove forests, and coral reefs, this unique biome is rich in biodiversity. Its waters teem with various fish species, such as snappers and groupers, many of which are endemic to the region.  Among its residents are two species of dolphins and four of the world’s seven species of sea turtles, and it’s the only place in the world where humpback whales come from the north and southern hemispheres. They come to use the Gulf as a nursery, raising their babies in calm, warm waters.

Golfo Dulce is a paddler and naturalist’s dream world of dramatic contrasts where emerald green peaks meet turquoise waters.

Join one of our trips and enjoy one of the world’s best sea kayaking and wildlife-watching destinations.
